
Thursday, April 26, 2018

College Admissions Testing Reminder!

The deadlines for the June SAT and the June ACT are fast approaching.  The deadline for the June 2nd SAT is May 3rd, and the deadline for the June 9th ACT is May 4th. Late registration after the deadlines is also an option, but there will be additional fees assessed, and we encourage juniors to register as early as possible. The June SAT is offered at BHS, while the ACT is offered at several nearby high schools.

Juniors should also be aware that both companies now offer test options over the summer, with a new ACT test date on July 14th and an SAT test date on August 25th. Though there are not as many test centers open over the summer compared to June, each test is being offered at select area high schools, and the summer option can afford students additional prep time or a bit of a break between a busy school year and testing. 

Students can register for the SAT HERE or for the ACT HERE. As always, counselors are available to help students with the registration process. Juniors who believe they qualify for a fee waiver should see their counselor ASAP.

Kaplan will offer test prep classes at BHS this summer for a reduced rate, and the specific dates and times will be publicized on the blog sometime in late May. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Guidance Breakfast Canceled

The Guidance Breakfast Scheduled for April 26th has been canceled. Our next breakfast will be held on Wednesday, June 13th. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Shine In Math Academy

“ Shine In Math Academy is an award winning Test Prep and Tutoring company located at 281 Cambridge St, #101, Burlington. Since it’s inception in 2011, the Academy has been serving Burlington Community, helping students achieve exceptional results in SATs, school tests and various other standardized tests through their  Test Prep; K-12 Math, ELA  and Science classes; and Summer enrichment programs. 

As part of their Giving Back to the Communities program, starting January of 2018 Shine In Math pledges a $50 donation for each Burlington School student that is newly enrolled in to tutoring programs and $100 donation for each student enrolled into SAT Prep programs. All donations will be made to Burlington Community Scholarship Program to be awarded to the highly performing students in high school who will pursue higher education in Mathematics, Science and Technology.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

"How to Raise an Adult "Guidance Breakfast

The Guidance Department has been reading the book "How to Raise an Adult" by Julie Lythcott-Haims. We invite parents to our next breakfast on April 26th  at 8:30 AM in the Guidance Conference room to discuss various excerpts from the book. Below is an excerpt from the book. 

While empathizing with the parental hopes and, especially, fears that lead to overhelping, Lythcott-Haims offers practical alternative strategies that underline the importance of allowing children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination necessary for success.”