Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Summer Opportunities for Students

With snow in the forecast, what better time to start making plans for summer? Students, have you ever wanted to explore a subject not offered in our high school? Would you like to spend some time this summer on a college campus? Or maybe volunteer in Boston at the Aquarium or the State House?  If so, consider looking into summer enrichment programs for high school students. There are two ways to do this.

The first is to attend the annual Summer Opportunities Fair at Phillips Andover Academy on Sunday, January 22nd from 12-3 on the Phillips campus in Andover, MA.   This event "gives middle school and high school students and their families the chance to meet with representatives from more than 100 local, national and international summer programs" and is open to students from all communities. (This fair also offers information on Gap Year programs.)

If you can't attend this event, you can check out our listing of summer opportunities on Naviance. Log in to your Naviance account, click on the Colleges tab and then go to "enrichment programs."  From there you can search key terms, check locations, and link directly to the web sites and applications of numerous summer programs all over the East Coast. Note that though these programs do charge tuition, there are generally scholarship opportunities available. Please make an appointment with your counselor if you have any questions.

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