Here is the annual list of advice to the incoming 9th graders from the current 9th graders about transitioning to high school. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you all when you come to BHS in September. Have a relaxing, safe, and productive summer!
Visit BHS beforehand and check all the stairwells to see where they go.
Don't expect you can figure everything out on the first day.
You need to study.
Don't worry too much. Just pay attention, be positive and you'll be alright.
The amount of work done at home will show on the test.
Work hard from the first day of school.
Keep a planner.
If you fall behind, ask for help from a peer or a tutor.
Learn the maps of the school as fast as you can.
Don't stress about transitioning too much.
Don't stress about transitioning too much.
It gets easier.
Get your schedule down early so you aren't confused.
Do your homework because they are little study guides.
Be friendly and hold doors for people.
Don't be nervous, just have fun.
Figure out where your classes are located during the
summer; it will make it easier in the fall.
Try different activities and do what you really like.
The work load will seem like a lot at the beginning but you will get used to it.
And most importantly:
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